— to provide children living in Cyprus with the opportunity to show their talents to the wide audience,
— to give children an incentive for further development and professional growth,
— to encourage those who have already reached a certain level of performance skills,
— to upgrade the level of performance of musical compositions,
— to open the way to European and international music competitions for the GALAXY OF TALENTS winners.
The Vestnik Kipra Publishing House and the Pattihio Municipal Theater with the support of the Municipality of Limassol
and Charity Foundation ‘Creative World’
Co-Chairs of the Organizing Committee: Natalia Kardash, Vestnik Kipra publisher and chief editor, and Vasos Argyrides, composer and director of the Pattihio Municipal Theater.
Pattihio Municipal Theatre Limassol:
¼ final auditions — until 16/11/2018.
½ final — Friday 23/11/2018 at 18:00.
Finals — Saturday 24/11/2018 at 12:00.
The contest Jury will be comprised of professional musicians, conductors, composers, singers and actors, as well as representatives of television and radio companies of Cyprus. In the quarter finals, semi-finals and finals the Jury will include 8 judges. 50% of the Jury will change (from the quarter finals to the semi-finals and from the semi-finals to the finals) so that an objective assessment is ensured. A full list of Jury members will be announced immediately prior to the performance.
Heads and staff of music schools participating in the festival are not allowed to join the Jury.
Performers aged 7 — 18 are invited to participate in the contest.
The contestants are divided into the following age categories:
Age group I: 7 — 10 years old
Age group II: 10 — 14 years old
Age group III: 14 — 18 years old
• “POP VOCAL” (solo)
• “PIANO” (solo)
• “Bowed String Instruments” (solo)
The contestants are only entitled to participate in one of the listed nominations. The maximum performance time of a composition shall not exceed 3 minutes.
The participant, his/her teacher or parents shall send an email at [email protected], indicating his/her full name, age, contact phone number, as well as the full name and contact details of a parent/teacher. It is also necessary to indicate the relevant nomination.
Download registration form
Applications for participation in the competition will be accepted until 05/11/2018.
Following the approval of the application, you will need to fill out an application form and provide the below information:
For each composition you are asked to provide its title, composer, lyricist, performer’s full name and the name of the music school, as well as contact details, including the mobile phone, electronic and home (work) address, and the physical or legal entity(s) by whom the copyright is reserved for the entire composition or its parts (concerns copyright works). The performers (vocal and string instruments) need to specify the accompanist (if any).
The following audio formats are accepted: MP3, WAV.
The sound record shall be sent at: [email protected] until 05/11/2018.
Upon arrival at the contest, the participants must bring with them a USB with the duplicate sound records.
The contestants in the “Pop Vocal” and “Bowed String Instruments” nominations are entitled to perform with an accompanist. The relevant information is to be specified when filling out the application.
The piano is provided. The use of sound records for the “Piano” nomination performances is prohibited.
The Jury assesses the participants by awarding points on a scale from 1 to 20, taking into consideration the purity of performance, performance skills, technique, onstage culture and artistry. The final score is formed by summing up the scores of all the jurors.
In addition to the main evaluation criteria, when listening to soloists, the Jury will pay special attention to the correspondence of the performance to the soloist’s age and individual characteristics; to the level of the contestant’s vocal skills; to the ability to create a single stage image (correspondence of music, words, outfit and movements).
The order in which the contestants will perform is determined by a random draw.
54 participants go to the semifinals, out of which 27 will advance to the finals.
The Organizing Committee reserves the right to combine age groups with a small number of contestants or to cancel the nomination due to the lack of participants.
All children participating in the quarter finals will get a free ticket to the finals’ gala concert.
All children registered to participate in the contest will receive certificates of participation. All finalists will receive laureate diplomas of 1st, 2nd and 3rd degree. Participants to have won the first place in their age category are awarded cups and valuable gifts. In addition, during the finals a Grand Prix and an Audience Choice Award will be granted. The first prize is awarded by the jurors whereas the second one through direct voting of the audience.
In controversial cases, the final decision remains with the Chairman of the Jury. The Jury’s decision shall be final and not subject to revision.
The voting results of the audience at the final stage of the competition will determine the contestant to receive the Audience Choice Award. The Jury is not involved in the selection. Each spectator is provided with a form to be filled out, and the prize-winner in this nomination is determined by summing up the results of the audience voting.
Children aged 7 to 18 years old can take part in the competition, regardless of their citizenship and residence status in Cyprus.
The registration fee of EUR30.00 is payable within 10 days following the approval of the application. Payment methods:
• Via a bank transfer to N.G.K. Cyprus Advertiser Ltd at Hellenic Bank (IBAN: CY27005002400002400158132207).
• Transfer to PayPal account (the payment button can be found at
• At the Vestnik Kipra offices (a bank cheque or cash).
The registration fee must be received by the Organizing Committee of the competition within 10 days from the date of approval of the application and no later than 09/11/2018.
In case of late receipt of the registration fee, the participant is not included in the list of contestants. In the event of force majeure, the Organizing Committee must be informed immediately. One can refuse to participate in the contest until 01/11/2018 only to be entitled to get a full refund of the registration fee paid. After this date, the participation fee is non-refundable.
The application submission and the receipt of payment mean acceptance of the competition rules published at
The Organizing Committee shall bear all the costs of organizing the competition, the design and presentation of diplomas, certificates and prizes as well as for promoting the contest in the media space of the Republic of Cyprus.
Parents and teachers shall bear full responsibility for minor children during the event.
In the event of non-compliance with the contest regulations, a contestant is excluded from participation.
Vestnik Kipra offices. Contact telephone: 25 590 530 (9:00 — 17:00).
Contest coordinator: Tatiana Tkachova.
For any queries and application submission contact [email protected]